Percy an his friend Beckendorf found the princes andromeda were Luke is. Then they discover that the ship was traveling to New York. They follow the boat so it don´t make something evil when they whent to New York. So the half blood enter to the boat and every monster whant to kill them. Percy was prepared so he had a backpack full of explosives so kaboooooooom. Then Percy and Beckendorf jumped from the boat so they were safe.
"Three years ago, Blackjack had been enslaved on the Princess Andromeda until he´d escaped with a little help from my friends and me''
This boat had made Percy and blackjack remember the horrible rimes and they remembered how bad the titans are.
"Seeing the ship again twisted my gut into knots. I´d almost died twice on the Princess Andromeda. Now it was heading straight for New York."
When Percy saw the boat he was really sad beacuase he remembered everythig they did the to him and blakjack so that why he wanted to exploat that thing.
This five chapters had make me think that percy is really brave to get inside that boat again. But i think that Luke is still alive and he wants to kill percy.