viernes, 19 de agosto de 2016

Im the living

Shy and his family were on a shelter safe from the disaster and dangerous people. They when out to reach more food. So when they were out the heard a child crying the when runing and take the child with them and also the family of the child. But it was a trap like 15 peopel more where waiting for them to take the family and after that they stole shy and his family every single peas of food. So shy tought that he nwould die but he didnt he hunt animals and eat them with his family and he discover that he was the living of the pack.

Im going to survive with my family i will hunt (De La Peña)

Finnal toughts and cmments
this chapters were really good and what i think on the last chapters is that shy and his family are going to find a relay wealthy home and good food and no one will bother them because shy is the most brave on the world.

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

Surviving matters

Shy got food and he found his family it was a happy moment. He got off the boat and run to the shore with his family. Every single part of the city was destroy by the big wave. Then the family began walking by the city and they were scared but shy was the most brave guy on the family. The city was lie a ghost town, nothing was moving. Then suddenly a thing appear it was like a person but covered in blood he was screaming. The family hide and something kill him. Because he had food so shy tough that the surviving needs to star so he grab a spear and throw it to the guy, hurting the guy. Shy took the food and went hide with his family. Then shy discover that surviving matters.

´´He is following me help me´´(De La Peña)
This quote is when the4 guy covered in blood is ruining for his live trying to not get killed.

Final thoughts and comments
i think that on the next chapters shy is going to get stronger so he can help his family to survive and get a home to sleep or maybe find people and make a big group of people trying to survive

martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

School is over

Summer start!!!! Shy was realy exited becuase school was over and he wanted to make some money in summer. So he got a work at a luxury cruise. He whent home and pack evrything. He was going with his family, well the parents were going to the cruise and he was going to work. The got to the pier and evrything was doing just fine. Sudenly an earthquake pases but it wasent strong then evryone calm down because nothing happend. The days pass in the cruise and it was amazing shy worked really good. Until the boat began to m ove and no one knew what was going on and it was moving really fast. So evryone look at the window and they saw a really big and strong wave....

´´Finnaly were going on a cruise well im goin to work but we are going and evrythig is going to be fine. (Matt De La Peña)´´

Final tought and comments
I thing this chapters were realy intens but basicaly at the last part because i dont know what will happend and the wave that they said at the final part it kill me with that suspens.

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2016

the disaster starts

Shy was really scared becuase he was looking at the big wave. The wave crashes on the bot and killing many people and shy was on the water almost drawning and he almost die but someone safehim by pulling his head out of the water. Almost evry person at the cruise have benn kill by the wave shy was really scared and was thaknfull because a guy safehim and he was worried because he coudnt find his family.